Saturday, July 24, 2010


Random juxtaposition refers to the stimulation of creativity in problem solving, design or other creative pursuit by confronting two unrelated concepts or objects, usually the goal or problem to be solved on the one hand and a randomly selected object or concept on the other or an act or instance of placing close together or side by side, esp. for comparison or contrast. This is some examples of juxtaposition:

By juxtaposing a mailman sorting mail as he energetically strides to his next destination, with a stereotypical cartoon on the wall of a Mexican restaurant,the presence of hard work to a restaurant sign that speaks of “no work”. While we were surprised to find such ethnic stereotyping in Tucson, which is one-third Hispanic, perhaps political correctness has yet to take effect this close to the Mexican border. Or maybe the cartoon on the wall of this 76 year old landmark restaurant has been there so long that it is now just seen as part of the urban landscape.

This is a beauty, the smoke stacks with each other and the houses to note the similarities and differences,not forgetting the clouds of smoke with the clouds in the sky, of course.

Rather amusing, don't you think? It makes you think about just how the legs hang there. A bit of irony.

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