Sunday, July 4, 2010


According to wikipedia, creativity is the ability to generate innovative ideas and manifest them from thought and reality or a ability to think up and design new inventions, produce works of art, solve problems in the new ways, or develop an idea based on an original novel, or unconventional approach.

During the class, the lecturer told us that everybody is creative,is just that whether we notice it, if we notice it we will use this creativity to produce something. Being creative is a simple thing, there are only two steps, 1st, we need to observe our surrounding, 2nd, we need to be curious about almost everything that we approach no matter new or old. Many people said that being creative is hard because they less observe their surrounding because to them everything seems to be logical and they are suppose to look or must be done that way.

Some research shows that small kids are more creative than adults because small kids curious about almost everything and they hardly think is this logical, on the other side adults who receive education and always have the logical thinking or else they will be laugh and will be look down.

One main reason people stop being creative is because they afraid to try new things. I experience this myself, for an example, the lecturer told us to create our design with no text on it, I got a idea but don't dare to try it scare will reject or give bad impression to the lecturer so I think of another design, but in the end, some people who dare to create a design with text on it and he didn't get scold but on other hand praise by the lecturer.

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