Saturday, July 17, 2010

How to be Creative in Advertising

Creative advertising

This video is creative advertising.....You might say that "oh i saw this many times, nothing special", indeed you had saw it many times on the internet from youtube or pictures but have you really seen it with your own eyes.

I amazed how people related normal object in our daily life with the surrounding and make it logical and interesting. I like the DSLR's lens is combine with the bus tire, the holder of the plastic bag is illustrated with a pistol.

Hope can see this kind of creative advertising in Malaysia, I just don't get it why Malaysia's pubic buses, cabs, building etc. don dare to put some creative ads instead of all buses and cabs same colour, people feel bore every approach them, that's why Malaysia's ads will never attract people's attention, if advertisers fail to get people's attention then he or she will fail to advertise the product.

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