Thursday, January 27, 2011

Less is more

The picture above says it all. It's also apply on design as well. A good ads design will have less things to show and let people who sees it think more, because the more you reveal on the design, the less meaningful it will be, especially for advertisement. As designers, we all know that a minimalist design can achieve beautiful results.

Minimalist design has been described as design at its most basic, stripped of superfluous elements, colors, shapes and textures.Its purpose is to make the content stand out and be the focal point. From a visual standpoint, minimalist design is meant to be calming and to bring the mind down to the basics.

Minimalist designs should have little texture, color, shape, lines, content or type. Go too bare, though, and the design will be boring. Rather than dumping everything out, give the design appeal by making just one important feature the focal point.

Choose what that focus will be, and keep the tips below in mind as we work through our design

These are some sample of Less is More in design

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