Friday, August 6, 2010

Creative "box"

When speaking of creativity, we don't just apply creativity on drawing, advertisements. It can be also apply on vehicle like what Nissan's did on 2009. They try to create a vehicle that looks like a motorcycles but more comfortable than normal motorcycles.
Nissan's Land Glider

The Nissan's Land Glider looks like normal car but it is design base on a motorcycle. Motorcycles has narrow body, and they are about the most efficient (and fun) way to get around, but people maybe worried about getting smeared all over the cars of an eager commuter talking on his cellphone while eating breakfast and shaving.
This is front view of Nissan's Land Glider. The Land Glider has a narrow body which will save a lots of parking spaces.

From the picture you can see that the Land Glider slightly bend to left when the car is moving to the left. This will make the car more stable and have a better grab on the road. By that you still can get the feeling riding a motorcycle.

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